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Rose Combs: Docuscan!

When I returned from Bible Study yesterday afternoon my computer was showing the menu for Dcuscan on the braille display but no speech. It took me four times to make the program close! No clue what that was about as I had completely closed Sero before I left for class, onl JAWS and Outlook were running when I left!

My 2017 PC hard drive died and cousin said I should replace it, she picked the computer without me, dropped it off and spend time setting up the camera and arguing with me about JAWS my main screen reading program which I have used since 1998 at work and at home. She did not reconnect the printer/scanner because she said it was out of ink and I did not use it enough to replace the ink cartridge which I never knew what it took, but neglected to remember I used the scanner on occasion. I don't even know if I have ports for it now, probably but where? This is an all-in-one computer so I discovered that reaching for someting and accidently touching the scren does odd things I never intended like probably shutting down the system, cutting off JAWS speech, locking things so it mans I have to try to figure out what happened and maybe it starts again but usualy takes more than 20 minutes to get everything back to normal. I thought I'd look on bookBshare for something that is more friendly than NL:S books which seem to be for sighted users who live the mouse pictures and graphics which I realy do not like.

If I can't read the books I might find, probaly not" what is the point of searing or downloading them.

I want a totally keyboard friendly version of Windows 11, so maybe I can finally figure out why they moved so much around. I could find most things in 7-10 but 111 is tltally messed up and not being abot the remove MacFee is a problem I am totally fed up with since it may be a great virus scanner but does not work with speech which says it is worthless to me since I do not have anyone I can ask to read the screens when it does its thing.

My husband passed in 2024, he usually read what I could not, interacted if I could not, or xplaind how I count manage something that was not particularly friendly. I did well for several years after he passed but windows 11 and MacAfee especially is refusing to uninstall and the tool they offered has no way to click on part of the picture Jaws doe not recognize regardles of PC or virtual cursor.

They say they are the best but if I can't access it they are the worst in my opinion.

I won't detail my other problems over the past several months, you would be bored.

I am off to go play in the rain, yes, here in Mesa!
