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lauropurcil1955: Am Just curious

Am I receiving the right information that there are limits in the number of emails in the inbox: and that when it goes beyond the limit number, the incoming emails shall be blocked?
Thanks for the response.


Richard Wells: Re: Am Just curious

Lauro: There is no limit to the amount of Email that may be in your folders. One thing to be aware of however, is that since Sero is a web based application, the more Email you have the more your system will slow down. The reason for this is that System Access has to load everything on a web page into something called a virtual buffer. This takes memory resources and CPU Time. I remember a case where a user had 20000 plus messages in their inbox. It would take more than five minutes fore it to load. We removed all of that Email and performance immediately improved to an acceptable level. I hope this helps you to understand that over-loading your Email reduces eficiency.


Richard Wells: Re: Am Just curious

Lauro: A compromise to deleting Emails is to distribute it into other folders. If you have lots of Email, this will take time, but it is worth it. Think of each Email folder as a different web page. If none of your folders get too large, messages will load quickly and you will be able to access information within your Email much more efficiently.


lauropurcil1955: Re: Am Just curious

Thanks richard.As always you are most helpful.


Alma: Speaking of the Sero Mailer and folders...

Hi all,

This topic of having too many emails in an innbox on Sero got me to thinking about something, especially after Richard mentioned folders. If I have a mail rule set up in icloud to filter messages into a certain folder, how will that work when it comes to Sero, assuming of course that I'm able to get it set up to see email from that address in the first place? <smile>

Take care,

