Our ministry in the future

Dear LORD,
Today I started a careful reading of the book of Hebrews, which is quite beautiful because of the mysteries it talks about. In the first two chapters, You teach us about your servants the angels, which is a subject that we, humans, are very attracted to.
In the third chapter, the following verse caught my attention:
Hebrews 3:5 And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward,

LORD, You tell us here what a wonderful servant Moses was in everything, and when You say that he was faithful, “for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward,” You are teaching that the things that will be spoken afterward are not at all praises to Moses, but the sacrifice of Christ and His triumph over death for our salvation. This verse not only reminded me that we are called to be your obedient servants, but that our service and faithfulness to You should not be performed in order for people to praise us and to say how great we are, now or in the future, when we are gone. Moses was faithful to You throughout his life for Your glory, and long after he died, what was spoken of was Your glory and power, not his good works or qualities as a man. Beautiful lesson for us to learn, that what must be reflected in our lives is You, for a testimony to those who see and know us today, and what must be spoken of in the future, long after we are gone, is not what great people we were, but how the grace and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ was reflected through our lives, as You illustrate with Moses in the verse above.
Thank you for everything, my God.
Your servant,


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