Today's science lesson

Dear LORD,
The amount of scientific facts mentioned in Your Word is amazing. Today I wish to post here a verse that teaches us that the Earth is round:

Job 26:10 He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, At the boundary of light and darkness.

LORD, You wrote this through Your servant long, long before the development of any sophisticated scientific instruments, so no one can say that this particular knowledge was “discovered” by, or came out of, humans. The mention of a circular horizon teaches us that the Earth is round, not flat, as was the belief for centuries, particularly during the Dark and Middle Ages. Ironically, these periods in human history were perhaps the most religious, yet, in terms of people’s knowledge of Scripture, they were the worst. For one thing, most people were illiterate, and in addition to this, the institution of the church exercised opressive power and total control. The high authorities of this church were opposed to the verse I posted above. I say this because I am sure that the priests, bishops and archbishops of the day, even the Pope himself, were familiar with this verse, and with the entire Bible, for that matter. Yet, they chose to perpetuate the falsehood that the Earth was flat, contradicting You and Your Word, oh God of hosts. They did this for their own wicked purposes.

This reflects the sad reality that, to this day, humans refuse to accept Your Word as truth, not only when it comes to spiritual issues, but also in terms of facts about the physical world. Today the Bible is attacked by non-believing scientists and philosophers, and what is worse, it is still perverted by many churches. You, my LORD, are being attacked from all flanks! What can I say, except that we the true believers must guard the purity of Your Scriptures, and deliver Your message as You gave it to us.
Enough said. Thank You, God, for giving me this day to meditate in Your Word and share this today.
Your servant,


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