LORD, allow me to vent today

My dear LORD,
Last evening I read a long entry in wikipedia about something called the emerging church movement, yet another invention of man that seeks to mold You to what we want, the way we want it. My Almighty LORD, I am tired of so many false doctrines and religions in our world that teach error and mislead millions. Allow me here to enumerate the false teachings that I can remember off the top of my head at this time, because I have to get this off my chest:
1. Not everybody will be saved and go to heaven. The Scriptures clearly teach that many will be destroyed in hell for all eternity.
2. People do not accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. The Scriptures state that it is You, oh God, who has chosen those You want for Yourself from before the time of creation. As it is written, “We love God because He loved us first.” You, God, choose us, so You make us feel inclined to want to have You in our lives, not the other way around.
3. Good works, or ceremonies like baptism, do not save anybody. The only thing in this universe that can save is Your grace, oh God, which is the sacrifice, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to save those You chose from the foundation of the world. Once we are cleansed by the blood of Christ, once we are indwell by the Holy Spirit, then we do the good works, not the other way around.
4. Being a Christian, in the true sense of the word, simply means that we follow Christ, but we humans have turned the following of Christ into all kinds of religions that are wrong. We think that we will be saved if we do certain things or recite certain prayers by rote. We pray to virgins, people that some church says are saints, even angels, in direct and gross violation of Your very clear commandment: “Thou shall not have any other gods before me.”
Very few people want to say that each and every human being is evil and wicked by nature of sin, by the fact that all of us, without exception, are born in sin, meaning that we are all in rebellion against You, oh God. We are Your enemies. If this were not the case, then we would not need the saving grace of Jesus, right? Very few want to admit that we once lived, or are living at present, in spiritual filth.
We humans do not want to accept the fact that You, oh LORD, are the Owner of everything in the universe, so You may do with Your creation as You please, as You Yourself said in the Bible. And what You said You are going to do with Your creation is to save some, condemn the rest to hell because of their sins, destroy the entire creation and keep Your chosen ones in Your kingdom for all eternity. Because most people can not stomach this, humanity has come up with all these mushy, watered down gospels and misinterpretations of your Holy Word. People want to believe that all religions are good, that all Christian denominations are good and that Christians can relate to You in their own terms. People want to believe that You love everybody and that everybody will go to heaven, whether they accept Your sovereignty and commandments or not. People want to believe that it is okay to believe in virgins and saints designated by men, and that being a nice person will get them into heaven. It is difficult for me to live in a world where all of these forms of disobedience against You, dear LORD, are practiced. On the other hand, this is exactly what I should expect, because You explain it so clearly in Your glorious Word. I am assured in the fact that I am following Jesus, not a religion or a church, and I hope and pray that others come out of their wrong religions and beliefs by Your grace. You will choose whomever You choose, King of kings, and that is that.
Well, my LORD and Savior, enough said. I thank You for this opportunity to put this out here in the open, I feel better now. May these words, as well as the rest of my life, be of service to You, in whatever way You please.
Your servant,


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