The Great "I AM"

All blessings, adoration and praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the subject of this post.
Last week, the news reported an item that, to this day, has me infuriated. The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, N.Y., in its efforts to entice the young residents of this city county to fill its churches, launched a marketing campaign, (please notice the word, “marketing,”) portraying the Lord Jesus as, “The original hipster.” The ads that the Catholic Diocese plastered all around the county of Brooklyn show an image of a red pair of sneakers peeking out from under the robes of, presumably, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I called your attention to the phrase, “marketing campaign,” to show you how the King of kings and Lord of lords is being treated as the latest car model or McDonald’s meal combo.
But it gets even better. The ads portray Jesus as a hipster. A hipster is equivalent to a gangster, punk or thug. Nice of a Christian religious denomination to do that, eh? But hang on to your seats, there is more. The ads show a caption that reads as follows:
“The Son of God: He is like you. He smokes Parliaments. He reads Pitchfork. He rides a fixi.”
At least the ads call the Lord Jesus the Son of God, so I will give the Catholic Diocese that. From there it goes right down the toilet. Jesus is NOT like us. He is sinless, holy, pure, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Okay, I think my little list pretty much covers this part of the argument.
The Catholic Diocese says that the Lamb of God is a smoker and reads trivial music magazines. Really? Wow, I can see His Majesty right now, sitting on His throne of glory, with a cigarette clenched between His teeth and with the latest issue of Pitchfork magazine in His hands, as opposed to the scroll of the seven seals. Thanks to this marketing campaign, now I know what produces the smoke in the heavenly temple.
By the way, please notice the name of the magazine the Diocese chose for its offensive ads: Pitchfork. As unbiblical, popular culture has it, the pitchfork is the tool that the devil uses to goad his damned souls into the torments of hell. Wether the Catholic Diocese deliverately used the name of this particular magazine or not, I will not say, lest I fall into falsely accusing them. But I will be totally honest here, I wonder.
The last line of this disgusting and insulting ad campaign reads, “He rides a fixi.” Please do not ask me what in the world is a fixi. I do not know, and I do not care.
So you can see what the Brooklyn Diocese has done here. It has taken the holy, sacred, righteous, sinless, Almighty person of the Lord Jesus Christ, violently wrenched Him down from His rightful place in the heavenly abode and, just as violently, has dragged Him through the mud, filth and dung of this world and this particular gangster culture. Instead of calling our Lord by His awesome and beautiful names and presenting Him as the most high God that He is, the Catholic Diocese calls Him a gangster and a thug and presents Him accordingly.
I am not a Catholic, and I strongly oppose both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox denominations on biblical grounds. However, the last people I ever thought would do a thing like this were the Catholics. Many evangelicals have prostituted themselves to this world for the sake of increasing the numbers in their churches, making more money and engaging in social agendas, instead of preaching the true gospel of the sinful condition of man and the only way to eternal salvation, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Catholics were the last people I thought would stoop this low
I must say here that any church that does things like launching a marketing campaign like the one I wrote about here, or bringing rock bands to its places of worship, or filling its houses of worship with the things of the world, shows two things: One, such a church does not pursue the reading and study of the Scriptures, and two, in such a church, the Scriptures are NOT believed by its leadership, let alone the congregation.
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Great I AM, lead His saints through this maze of apostasy and untruth, for He is the Chief Shepherd. May our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Great I AM, receive the prayers of His saints as our Father sits on the throne of heaven, before the celestial altar, for He is our Great High Priest and makes intercession for us. For He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, Amen.


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Re: The Great "I AM"

Posted by:
Connie Grace

How shocking.
For a Church period.
One that at least believes about Jesus, even though the don’t Teach a heart surrender faith from the heart.
I would only expect this from a Cult.


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Re: The Great "I AM"

Posted by:
Scott Duvall

While reading this article I thought about 2 passages in Matthew that I believe by their “marketing campaign” the Catholic church have vastly warped. Jesus came that the sick may be healed, not to revel in their sickness and play the whoa-is-me card. We, as His followers, are charged also to do likewise and bring in the dirty and clean them up. We as his sheep are called to live separate lives apart from the rest of the world.
Matthew 9: 10–13
While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”,?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means- “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”, For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 25: 37–40
“Then the righteous will answer him, ’“Lord, when did we see you hungree and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”, “The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”


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