The work of Christ on the cross

Hello everyone,
What follows is a letter I wrote in 2012, which I am reposting here. May this short letter help you to meditate on this most solemn day of both the life and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the day we now call in English Good Friday, in Spanish, Holy Friday. May God pour His blessings and salvation according to His sovereign will and purposes.
The work of Christ on the cross

April 4, 2012 -

What follows is part of a letter I wrote to a new Christian, born of the spirit a few months ago. I figured I would post it here for readers to share and meditate on this very important week for us true believers. May this excerpt be of blessing to whoever has not been reconciled to our LORD yet.

The light of our LORD God and the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ be with you, dear Margaret.
Your last letter to me made me so happy. I am honored to have been witness to your birth in Christ. I am so pleased to see that you understand that you are a sinner, deserving only of eternal death and hell, and that you and me are undeserving of the mercy and grace extended to us by the Father through His blessed Son. I say this because, as you will see in time, there are lots of people who claim to be Christian but do not believe in these things, people who refuese to see that they are sinners and must have the cleansing of the blood of Christ, but live in their own self-righteousness, just like the people of the world.
I am writing to you in the middle of holy week, your first of many. This is the week for us to contemplate the awesomeness of what Jesus did for us on the cross, and what that most powerful work cost both Him and the Father. As you meditate during this week, my sister Margaret, remember that the Lord Jesus went willingly to the cross instead of you and me. His Father became His judge as He bore all of our sins, and pronounced the just and righteous sentence of punishment and death because of all of those sins. As the blessed Lord Jesus hung on that cross, having become a curse, the Father had to avert His eyes, for the Father can not behold sin. Jesus became, in fact, separated from the Father, He was actually left alone. This is why He said the words: “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” This event of cosmic proportions had to be reflected by our natural world, and so the heavens were darkened for three hours.
And after the agony of our Lord Jesus Christ bearing all of our sins, being separated from and abandoned by the Father, dying and experiencing the punishment of hell, comes the wonderful triumph of His bodily resurrection, His victory over Satan, death and hell, so that we, the saved, His saints, may now be reconciled to the Father and have access to the heavenly throne room at any time, the guidance and comfort of that beautiful and blessed Holy Spirit, and, when our journey on this Earth is over, life in the eternal kingdom, which our Lord Jesus went to prepare for us. Aleluya!
Blessed be the One who comes in the name of the LORD!


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