Story of my life

Rhonda Partain

Hello my name is Rhonda Partain. I live in Georgia with my husband of 31 years and my guide dog Caesar and pet dogs Shadow and Bella. I have two girls and six grandchildren ranging from 8 months to 15 years old I am a graduate of Liberty University with concentrations in psychology and sociology. For a few years now I’ve tried to find a job. I’d get through interviews and make it to the hiring stage only to learn that the platform used by the company was inaccessible to me. Screen readers can’t read graphics at all. I have finally found a job that is accessible to me. I am working for Serotek the maker’s of System Access. Now I get to do what I love, talking to and helping others and my blindness doesn’t keep me from doing a great job. I figure the best way to provide customer service is to give others what I want when I call a business. I want to be listened to. I want to be treated with respect and courtesy. I want to know that the company truly cares about my concerns and is commited to providing me with a solution. So, that is what I give others. I am friendly, positive, and I am a great listener. This is a new chapter in the story of my life. Stay tuned to see how I succeed in providing the best customer service ever. I feel like that little train in the story I read my grandchildren; but I don’t just think I can, I know I can. I’ve recently started a blog with my husband. If you’d like to read it go to

My Blog

Is There A Mac For Visually Impaired Dummies Book Anywhere?


Having a Mac is a lot like trying to learn a foreign language, or visiting a far away country. You may know a few phrases, just enough to get past hello but then what? I have used Windows since before the 95 version came out. I feel as though I should search for the Mac For Visually Impaired Dummies book, if there is even such a thing. I am one of those people who keep on until they figure it out; I am a bit obsessive. So I will win at learning the Mac, it just may take some time. I am like that little train that kept saying to itself “I think I can, I think I can.” And because it believed it could it did. If you are facing a seemingly impossible task, just remember, it takes one step and then another and before you know it, you’ve reached your destination. You only lose if you quit…

If You Can't Say Something Nice


Words are everywhere; we read them, we hear them, and we speak them. It’s amazing to think what powerful things words are. We can build another person up; we can encourage them, comfort them, and even inspire. But we can also tear someone down, use our words to defeat them, hurt them, and reject them. I’ve noticed lately just how a kind word changes everything. A person can be upset, even angry and if he feels he is listened to, if he feels understood, then his anger will lessen. The problem may not have gone away but someone took the time to listen and someone remembered to think before saying one single word.
I don’t always think before I speak. Sometimes I speak out of anger. I don’t care if my words hurt someone else. I’ve been hurt, so I want to hurt back. I have seen the positive effects of kind words that were spoken to me. I’ve also been devastated by the angry hurtful words of others. Words have to be used carefully. I want to use my words to help and not hurt, to encourage and not destroy. Like my grandmother used to say if I can’t think of anything nice to say, I think I’ll just say nothing at all.

Glass Half Full


I believe there are two basic types of people in this world. Some think the glass is half empty. They go about their daily life wishing their glass was full. They are sad for what their glass lacks. These people are negative and are prone to count their problems instead of counting their blessings.
On the other hand, are the glass is half full folks. These people are glad for what they have in the glass. They make the best of what they have and possess a positive outlook on life. They are prone to count their blessings and to find reasons to be glad. I am a glass is half full person. I don’t live in a make believe world. I sometimes have problems. I don’t pretend that problems don’t exist I just don’t let them color my life. I am positive and look for reasons to be glad.
Which kind of person are you?

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