Keyboard Command Quick Reference

Global Commands

A Note About the Modifier Key

The System Access Modifier Key can be one of four keys, including the Insert Key, often located near the Home Key on the keyboard, the Caps-lock Key, the 0 Key on the numpad, or the Scroll-lock Key. For your convenience, all these modifier keys are active and you may choose the one which seems most comfortable at any given time.

Global Commands

Refresh the display: Modifier+Escape

Open the remote control menu if applicable: Shift+Modifier+Escape

Read the status bar, if any: Modifier+Page Down

Announce the object with the focus: Modifier+Up Arrow

When in a document, read the document starting at the insertion point; otherwise, read the contents of the foreground window: Modifier+Down Arrow

Read the title of the foreground window: Modifier+T

Read the contents of the foreground window: Modifier+W

Click the current help balloon if any: Modifier+B

Activate the SAMNet Desktop: Modifier+D

Activate the System Access menu: Modifier+F

Toggle keyboard help mode: Modifier+H

Pass a key through to the application: Modifier+F3

Shut down System Access: Modifier+F4

Choose a toolbar button from a list: Modifier+F8

Click an icon in the system tray: Modifier+F11

Say the current time and date: Modifier+F12

Stop constant updating of progress indicators: Control twice quickly

Check laptop battery status: Modifier+Shift+B

Reading and Editing Commands

Move one character to the left: Left Arrow

Select one character to the left: Shift+Left Arrow

Say the current character: Control+Modifier+NumPad 5

Move one character to the right: Right Arrow

Select one character to the right: Shift+Right Arrow

Move to the previous word: Control+Left Arrow

Select the previous word: Control+Shift+Left Arrow

Say the current word: Modifier+NumPad 5

Move to the next word: Control+Right Arrow

Select the next word: Control+Shift+Right Arrow

Move up one line: Up Arrow

Select the previous line: Shift+Up Arrow

Read the current line: Modifier+Up Arrow

Move down one line: Down Arrow

Select the next line: Shift+Down Arrow

Move to the previous sentence: Alt+Up Arrow

Move to the next sentence: Alt+Down Arrow

Move to the previous paragraph: Control+Up Arrow

Move to the next paragraph: Control+Down Arrow

Move up one page: Page Up

Select the previous page of text: Shift+Page Up

Move down one page: Page Down

Select the next page of text: Shift+Page Down

Move to the end of the line: End

Read from the virtual cursor to the end of the line: Modifier+End

Select text from the current position to the end of the line: Shift+End

Move to the end of the document: Control+End

Select text from the current reading position to the end of the document: Control+Shift+End

Move to the start of the line: Home

Select all text from the current position to the start of the line: Shift+Home

Move to the start of the document: Control+Home

Select all text from the current position to the beginning of the document: Control+Shift+Home

Read from the start of the line to the current position: Modifier+Home

Select the whole document: Control+A

Table Reading Commands

Read the current table cell: Control+Alt+NumPad 5

Read the first cell in the current table column: Modifier+C

Read the current table row: Modifier+R

Move to the first column and row in a table: Control+Alt+Home

Move to the last column and row in a table: Control+Alt+end

Move to the previous column in a table: Control+Alt+Left Arrow

Move to the beginning of a row in a table: Control+Shift+Alt+Left Arrow

Move to the previous row in a table: Control+Alt+Up Arrow

Move to the top of a column in a table: Control+Shift+Alt+Up Arrow

Move to the next column in a table: Control+Alt+Right Arrow

Move to the end of a row in a table: Control+Shift+Alt+Right Arrow

Move to the next row in a table: Control+Alt+Down Arrow

Move to the bottom of a column in a table: Control+Shift+Alt+Down Arrow

HTML Navigation Commands

Click the object with the virtual focus: Enter or Space

Move to the next landmark: Semicolon

Move to the prior landmark: Shift+Semicolon

Attempt to automatically label links that aren't yet labelled: Modifier+A

Move to the next anchor: A

Move to the previous anchor: Shift+A

Move to the next button: B

Move to the previous button: Shift+B

Move to the next drop-down list: D

Move to the previous drop-down list: Shift+D

Move to the next editable text field: E

Move to the previous editable text field: Shift+E

Move to the next form field: F

Move to the previous form field: Shift+F

Move to the next graphic: G

Move to the previous graphic: Shift+G

Move to the next heading: H

Move to the previous heading: Shift+H

Move to next heading at level: 1-6

Move to previous heading at level: Shift+1-6

Move to the next visited link: V

Move to the previous visited link: Shift+V

Move to the next unvisited link: U

Move to the previous unvisited link: Shift+U

Move to the next list item: I

Move to the previous list item: Shift+I

Move to the next bulleted or numbered list: L

Move to the previous bulleted or numbered list: Shift+L

Move to the top of the current bulleted or numbered list: <

Move one line past the end of the current bulleted or numbered list: >

Label an image or form field with C-SAW: Alt+L

Move to the next block of plain text: N

Move to the previous block of plain text: Shift+N

Move to the next radio button: R

Move to the previous radio button: Shift+R

Submit C-SAW labels for the current site: Modifier+S

Move to the next table: T

Move to the previous table: Shift+T

Move to the next checkbox: X

Move to the previous checkbox: Shift+X

Say the current word: Modifier+NumPad 5

Summarize the contents of the page: Modifier+F1

Jump to a heading on this page from a list: Modifier+F6

Show a list of links on this webpage: Modifier+F7

Microsoft Excel

Activate a chart embedded in the active worksheet: Modifier+Enter

Read the virtual status bar: Modifier+Page Down

Read the current selection: Modifier+Up Arrow

Read the sheet starting at the current cell: Modifier+Down Arrow

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+0

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+0

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+1

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+1

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+2

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+2

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+3

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+3

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+4

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+4

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+5

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+5

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+6

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+6

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+7

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+7

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+8

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+8

Create or read a monitor region: Modifier+9

Modify or delete a monitor region: Shift+Modifier+9

Read the title of the current column: Modifier+C

Read the current column: Alt+Modifier+C

Read the title of the current row: Modifier+R

Read the current row: Alt+Modifier+R

Add or delete a title range: Shift+Modifier+T

Display a dialog containing lists of cells with data, links, totals, and worksheets: Modifier+F7

Microsoft Outlook

Read the From header in a message window: Alt+1

Move the focus to the From header in a message window: Alt+1 twice quickly

Read the Sent header in a message window: Alt+2

Move the focus to the Sent header in a message window: Alt+2 twice quickly

Read the To header in a message window: Alt+3

Move the focus to the To header in a message window: Alt+3 twice quickly

Read the Cc header in a message window: Alt+4

Move the focus to the Cc header in a message window: Alt+4 twice quickly

Read the Subject header in a message window: Alt+5

Move the focus to the Subject header in a message window: Alt+5 twice quickly

Choose from the list of attachments, if any: Modifier+A

Microsoft PowerPoint SlideShow

Move to the end of the line: End

Move to the end of the slide: Control+End

Move to the start of the line: Home

Move to the start of the slide: Control+Home

Move one character to the left: Left Arrow

Move to the previous word: Control+Left Arrow

Move up one line: Up Arrow

Read the current line: Modifier+Up Arrow

Move one character to the right: Right Arrow

Move to the next word: Control+Right Arrow

Move down one line: Down Arrow

Read the slide starting at the virtual cursor: Modifier+Down Arrow

Read the presenter's notes for this slide: Control+Shift+N

Virtual Mouse

Activate or deactivate Virtual Mouse Mode: Modifier+M

Move to the next clickable object: Tab

Move to the previous clickable object: Shift+Tab

Simulate a left click: Enter

Simulate a right click: Shift+Enter

Deactivate Virtual Mouse: Escape

Simulate a left click: Space

Simulate a right click: Shift+Space

Move to the end of the current text: End

Move to the bottom of the window: Control+End

Move to the start of the current text: Home

Move to the top of the window: Control+Home

Move left one character: Left Arrow

Move left one word: Control+Left Arrow

Move left one object: Alt+Left Arrow

Move up one line: Up Arrow

Announce the object under the cursor: Modifier+Up Arrow

Move right one character: Right Arrow

Move right one word: Control+Right Arrow

Move right one object: Alt+Right Arrow

Move down one line: Down Arrow

Read the contents of the window starting at the cursor: Modifier+Down Arrow

Automatically label graphics: Alt+A

Label a graphic: Alt+L

Submit a Program Pack for this program: Alt+S

Choose a clickable object from a list: Modifier+F7

Screen Magnification Commands

Increase the screen magnification factor: Modifier+Plus

Enable screen magnification: Control+Modifier+Plus

Decrease the screen magnification factor: Modifier+Dash

Disable screen magnification: Control+Modifier+Dash


Move to the right edge of the window: Modifier+End

Move to the bottom of the window: Control+Modifier+End

Move to the left edge of the window: Modifier+Home

Move to the top of the window: Control+Modifier+Home

Move to the previous character: Modifier+Left Arrow

Move to the previous word: Control+Modifier+Left Arrow

Read the current line: Modifier+Up Arrow

Move to the next character: Modifier+Right Arrow

Move to the next word: Control+Modifier+Right Arrow

Read the contents of the console starting at the current position of the reading cursor: Modifier+Down Arrow

Move to the previous character: NumPad 1

Move to the left edge of the window: Modifier+NumPad 1

Say the current character: NumPad 2

Move to the bottom of the window: Modifier+NumPad 2

Move to the next character: NumPad 3

Move to the right edge of the window: Modifier+NumPad 3

Move to the previous word: NumPad 4

Read the current word: NumPad 5

Move to the top of the window: Modifier+NumPad 5

Move to the next word: NumPad 6

Move to the previous line: NumPad 7

Read the current line: NumPad 8

Move to the next line: NumPad 9

Read the contents of the console starting at the current position of the reading cursor: Modifier+Decimal

Last modified December 08, 2015

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