Windows Live Mail

This section will explain how to obtain Windows Live Mail and cover some basic tips for using the email program. We'll call Windows Live Mail WLM for convenience. If you are already familiar with Microsoft Outlook, Windows Mail, or Outlook Express, then you will be up and running with WLM in no time. Windows Live Mail is a part of the Microsoft Live Essentials package. Download Windows Live Essentials Package Including Windows Live Mail.

Download the file to your computer and run it from the location where you saved the file. During the install process, you will see checkbox options for other Windows Live programs like Picture Gallery and Writer. We are only covering WLM in this section, so uncheck the others for now. You can always return to the install program later if you find you would like to use the other programs in the Essentials line.

Getting Started

When you start WLM for the first time, you may be prompted to enter your email account settings. However, if you already have an email account in Microsoft Outlook, or Windows Mail, then you should see your email messages automatically. This is because WLM will automatically import your account and email settings from the above-mentioned programs.

If you are not using any other email programs, you will need to set up WLM just like you would with any other email program. There are two tips we recommend to make using WLM easier. Both are in the Layout area of WLM. To reach the Layout options, press ALT+V. From there, arrow down to Layout. Turn off the Preview Pane. This option can sometimes give you more information than you want, and it can be confusing to have things spoken that you did not choose to read. The first option within the Layout area is for the Reading Pane. Hit the Spacebar, tab once to gain focus to the option, Press Spacebar again and tab down to the OK button if this is the only option you want to adjust for now. The second suggested tip is to have your messages displayed in a list when using WLM. Again, from the Layout area, tab down to the Message list option this time. Press the Spacebar to open the options, then tab down to the "one line" checkbox. Press your Spacebar on the "one line" item, then tab down to OK to save this option. Now you can hear the name of the sender and the subject of the email when you arrow down through each email folder.

Some hotkeys that will help you navigate through WLM are: Control+N creates a new email. Control+R replies to a message. Control+F forwards a message. Delete will delete a message. Control+I will move you back into the inbox folder.

Last modified December 10, 2014

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